Ashish Saxena, my batchmate in IT-BHU had this affinity towards 'Dogs' and used to have a profound altercation with
Anoop Pandey on "who is better, a cow or a dog?". I am fed up with the concept of cow and tried to dig out something about this specie, Dog.
It is said that God created the Earth and felt the need of sending someone with wisdom to rule this poor little planet. Hence he made humans who used their thinking ability to create some tools to rule this planet. But as I see it today a big debating question lies on the floor which is:
A Human ->
Or A Dog ?? ->
What ? Didn't you get it ? Okay lemme explain how...
The explanation can be manyfolds and the point of a dog ruling this planet can be backed in literally any angle. What is all that is needed to declare someone a ruler of any place? Hmm... let's jot down some points:
1) You gotta be strong and have a good self-defence / offense that could be used against your enemy at the right time.
Don't you think that Dogs have one ;)? |
Well... sometime you need to fight too for what you deserve :) |
2) You should be free enough to do whatever you wanna do and no body should dare interrupt you in between.
Now... Do you have that much courage in you to do THAT in public ;) ? |
3) Okay okay... somewhat you gotta be handsome and a 'person in ques' among opposite sex too ;).
Dogs DO HAVE some real gud looking creatures amongst themself too. Look at this fellow.. he has just asked his bitch GF "YO BABY!!! How are you doooiiiiing ;)" |
4) You gotta have some fear of yourself in the eyes of enemies.
Dogs aren't behind in making their repo in this area too. |
Now based on above explanations I am confused whether who is ruling this planet... is it really a human or a DOG doing this?
Comments are welcome :).
ArUn TaNgRi