Friday, September 16, 2005

Metrosexual !!!

Hi all,

Sorry for not writing the blog for so long... but I promise that from now on I'll be more punctual in writing the blogs coz I think that its time to do something productive ;-).

Word of Caution : One of my friend pointed out the other meaning of this word 'metrosexual'... please don't think about the other meaning of the word and read it the way i tried to present :)

Hmm, Metrosexual !!! What do you all know about this word ? Is it another dirty word from those dirty minds ? :D... The answer is 'Big No'. Metrosexual is the person who loves metro city, loves spending time and life in a metro city. But does it mean that the person hates ville life or ville itself ? Honestly I am myself confused about this thing but what I can guess is no. The person loves metro doesn't mean that he hates ville or ville life.... Well lets just leave the topic here itself. Let the more intelligent mind work on this problem and give us the answer :-).

For me, I have spent the maximum amount of my life in a metro city, Delhi, and I somehow feel that I am also a metrosexual coz I love to spend my time in Delhi but fortunately or unfortunately presently I am here in the 'HOLY' city of India, Varanasi for the max of my time (B.Tech. to poori karni hai hi :D).

Now coming to the main point that led me sitting on my comp writing this blog for you all. 'What does any metro has to offer to a normal individual so that he / she becomes a metrosexual ?' whoops... a long debating point, isn't it ? You may not feel this but lets just analyse the thing.

As far as the facilities etc are concerned city has many thing to offer than a ville. Better school and education for children, advanced and sophisticated work environment, better stand-off for a job, better basic facilities such as electricity, water etc. which are obviously lacking if we consider living in a village. Eversince of my childhood I am freaking out to find the answer to the question that according to me will be the first question coming to any child of a metro city that why the hell would anybody want to live in a ville ? What is it that is not present in the city that a village is offering ? I think I am still somewhat confused about the answer, or, 'I Know What The Answer Is' but since I am a metrosexual, I don't wanna know :-). Recently I happen to visit a somewhat developed ville and I noticed one thing that I think didn't come to my mind before. I saw the living of the people there, noticed the state of their mind, mental coolness, way of living, general awareness and their thinking and plan of action to tackle the issues. I noticed that ville life is NOT that far behind of a city life on some counts. Such as in the city we usually remain in a hurry and have much more tension and depression cases as compared to ville "correct me if I am wrong at stats :-)". The mental coolness of an avg. villeite is what I observed was more than a city guy. But at last, I observed a very small segment of the ville and not the whole ville. As far as the general awareness and exposure of the modern and advanced world is concerned, I'll definitely say that a ville person is counting low.

So what is it that'll make a person choose between city and ville life ? It is not the point that a person XYZ is not capable of living a city life had his childhood spent in a ville. No, it can never be a point. I have seen so many example in my life itself that the people coming from ville are not even standing off better but are imparting good and better education alongwith good morals and values to their children as compared to the people who were raised in the city are giving to their children. According to me ANY person IS capable of doing ANYTHING and achieving ANY height of success in his life, it just require a little bit of luck and presence of mind. So, Where Is The Fuss ??? How To Choose ??? And the answer is simple, its the state of mind of the individual that decide on the point of whether one wants to live in a city and be a metrosexual or wants to live in a ville and be a villesexual (a new word proposed by me :P). Its what mind and heart should decide together. Mind may say 'Hey Man !! You don't want to go to the ville and crap your whole life and future' but the heart may say 'No, don't listen to your mind. Go to ville which has your mental peace'. Either way you can go. Its your life and you are the only one who has to decide upon his destiny and who has to decide which way to go. At the end, I'll say only one thing that if you know the answer of the question that WHAT IS THE SUCCESS ??? then you probably know the answer of this question too.

Kher, kafi bore kar diya hai ab tak meine aap logon ko. Its time for me to go and have dinner warna mess will close :D. Yeah, I am a metrosexual and I don't have any doubt in this and lets see what the life has to offer to this metrosexual "To live or not to live in a metro ;-)"
