Sunday, January 14, 2007

New Year Started With The New Bang

Hi All,

A very happy and prosperous new year to all of you though wishing a bit late but it's better late than never :).

Year 2006 was very eventful for me as:

1) Completed my graduation from IT-BHU.
2) Transitioned myself from financial dependence to financial self-dependence ;).
3) Saw the life with a different angle and I guess much more focussed for future as well.
4) Missed Delhi every bit of second I lived in last year :|.

Anyways, the last year ended quite peacefully and all my batchmates from college are settled for sometime atleast doing wonderful jobs at their workplaces. Wishing you all guys all the very best of your future endeavors.

Time to talk about the new year resolution? Well here are some:

1) Will learn talking in Punjabi.
2) Try to do justice with my job :).
3) NO TIME-WASTING (stretched goal though :D).
4) Will write atleast 2 blogs per month.
5) Early to bed and early to rise.
6) No More Misc Activity.

I guess you all must have made your new year resolution as well.
Hope you can complete them.

ArUn TaNgRi