Sunday, October 28, 2007

Found a banana pile on road? What NOT to do to avoid skidding over it!

For a long time I admired the camouflage effect behind encryption algorithms for they work so well in hiding what they actually carry and misdirect the possible hacking attempt leaving the original content save, secure and in restricted hands only.

Life is going pretty fast and every hour passes as if it had never begun. A milestone is approaching very fast and to some it might seem like a cat approaching a rope tied rat. One suggestion that might do the trick for the rat is that don't panic and be a brat and kick the cat ;). Victory will be yours dear rat ;).

With the best wishes to all those rats I would like to finish this crap (this post :) ).

ArUn TaNgRi

Saturday, September 08, 2007

India will emerge among top 3 economic powers in 25 years ?

Watching my nation grow at such a fast pace and also being a part of it is really a great feeling. What adds the flavor to this sweet dish is the global recognition that India is getting. Take for an example the words by Mr Craig Barrett, Chairman, Intel Corporation, "If India continues to grow at over eight per cent, once can do the maths and see how long it takes for India to come in the top three economies worldwide. Countries like India and China will have faster rate of growth than the developed nations. Depending on how you do the maths it is inevitable, in 20-25 years".

Quite impressive!!! Undoubtedly, India is heading towards topping the list of the countries with the largest man power but

What bothers me:
  • Is that it also tops the list of the countries with the largest IDLE man power with a very huge percentage of people sitting on the "bench" waiting to realize their potential. As quoted by anonymous, "I work very hard to get some work to do in the busiest company of the world".
  • Is that a country, which is proud to have an ex-prez in the form of a teacher, a learned professor & missile man, Dr. APZ Abdul Kalam, the person who is so much dedicated towards teaching and motivational for entrepreneurial skills, is lacking the basic infrastructure to provide the children of the country with even the basic and elementary education.
  • Is that a country so rich in its knowledge and culture is so poor when it comes to provide the higher education to its citizen.
  • Is that a country which should aim to make the IITs, the institution resembling the excellence in engineering education in the country at graduation level, the institutions providing only the higher education and focusing more on R&D has been indulged in the dirty vote bank game and is taking so much time in establishing new IITs / upgrading the institutes to that level. Are we even clear about our air with respect to these institutions?
  • Is that a person really in need of some help from the government for his / her uplifting in the society kept on waiting till he dies because he is from so-called higher class while a person who has already availed this benefit from the government not just once or twice or thrice but even more than that is still getting those benefits not only for him but all of his wards and relatives as well for he being a member of so-called lower class. What even more bothers me is that the situation is getting better but in the negative side.
  • Is the scarcity of the teachers in the educational institutions and the absence of students in the classrooms.
Anyways, but despite of all these points I am sure that we'll be amongst the top 3 economic powers of the world in the next 25 years. Right Mr. Barrett? :)

Guys, we are doing great!! Really good!! What's your problem anyways? Don't you like the system up and running as we have in here? I have given it enough thoughts, now its your turn.

The comments are author's personal comments and are not subject to any legal issues. The author reserve the right to take them back as and when required :)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Last Post on the blog

Hi All,

It's the last post on this blog. I am taking a break for sometime from blogging.

Catch you all guys later on.

Enjoy The Life

Monday, February 12, 2007


Guitar Chords !!! Ahh !!!
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach
IF discovering music has been one of the invaluable accomplishments of mankind, inventing the guitar has certainly made it priceless. Surreal it was - lying there on the soft, moist grass with the clear sky above me and a guitar by my side.
WIth such a simple concept of resonance, a hollow piece of wood and a set of strings can do wonders. It has the power to give a gift of life to a dying person. Historically also the effect & impact of music is so huge that the greatest of the writers of their time liked talking something or the other on music or will use it to describe a situation.
Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. ~Maya Angelou, Gather Together in My Name
MAy it be a war place, work place or any other place; may you be alone sitting idle under a tree or with your soulmate; may you really want to scream hard or just keep quiet; music has every form of life in it & trust me, you'll find a music of your type in any state of your mind.
A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. ~Leopold Stokowski
IT happened to be a time when I was in my college's last year that this passion of guitar struck me like anything. I liked it very much but I am not sure about my peers :). I used to play it for the whole night desperately trying hard to learn 'how to play the damn thing?'. proved to be very helpful to me for the initial learning and brushing up the basics. I learned to play many songs from there and I still refer to it. Second site that I happen to visit is
Enjoy The Flamboyance of Music
ArUn TaNgRi

Sunday, January 14, 2007

New Year Started With The New Bang

Hi All,

A very happy and prosperous new year to all of you though wishing a bit late but it's better late than never :).

Year 2006 was very eventful for me as:

1) Completed my graduation from IT-BHU.
2) Transitioned myself from financial dependence to financial self-dependence ;).
3) Saw the life with a different angle and I guess much more focussed for future as well.
4) Missed Delhi every bit of second I lived in last year :|.

Anyways, the last year ended quite peacefully and all my batchmates from college are settled for sometime atleast doing wonderful jobs at their workplaces. Wishing you all guys all the very best of your future endeavors.

Time to talk about the new year resolution? Well here are some:

1) Will learn talking in Punjabi.
2) Try to do justice with my job :).
3) NO TIME-WASTING (stretched goal though :D).
4) Will write atleast 2 blogs per month.
5) Early to bed and early to rise.
6) No More Misc Activity.

I guess you all must have made your new year resolution as well.
Hope you can complete them.

ArUn TaNgRi