Friday, December 30, 2005

mindset : Building Block for the development

Hi All,

Mindset of the people of a society is a building block for the development of the place. A right mindset with the necessary and sufficient manpower can create wonders and human race has seen many example of this. A good mindset doesn't come for free, nothing in fact is free. It requires a vision, dedication and a hunger to develop to set the someone's mindset towards success. Obviously its a pain-in-the-neck to make all these so called great words a reality and we lazy Indians believe in working without pain and try to find some alternative path to do the work.

Not only the government machinery but the private companies and organization and even the premier institutes of India (I am not concerned with world as I am unfamiliar with the situation outside India) are facing the problem of right mindset of its people. People do the work not to develop the place, their own organization, as a whole but to make sure that they get their pond of flesh. They use their position to hinder the path of one who is trying to do something productive but has to obey his / her boss's orders. This productive person, although having right mindset, sometimes is influenced by the non-doers and due to their pressure even becomes one of them. Sadly but truly I myself have seen some examples like this and I am sure that many of you must have seen one by yourself too.

Changing the mindset is not an easy task. As said, one's habbit can't be changed or in some other words you can't make any person agree on some point if he isn't even ready to talk to you. Any development, any thing and really a-n-y t-h-i-n-g can be done being a right mindset has come to you. Its you who has to develop his mindset on the way of success. Its no one else for you but you who can do this for yourself.

My new year resolution is also the same, i.e. to decide my plan of action and set my mindset for it ;).

Signing off
Wishing you all dear readers a very happy new year in advance.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sad News: Shootout at IISc

A shootout occured at around 7:30 pm today (28th dec) at the campus of IISc (Indian Institute of Science) at the premises of JN Tata Auditorium causing the death of IIT-D's Professor Puri who was attending an international conference there. The crime was done by AK-47. Police is investigating for the case and is trying to nab the killers. IISc, being an academic institution didn't have much high security which may be one of the reason for the incident.

For more details follow this and this link.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Getting Ready For The Jobs Ahead Of Me

Hey Guys,

What's going on ? Here the new semester has already started at my insti. Gosh ! This is the last one here and my undergraduate college life will come to an end after around 4-5 months from now... will definitely gonna miss this place.

Anyways, looks like this semester is having lots of work for me to do (apart from usual masti ofcourse :D)... planning to go out for a tour too (not scheduled yet)... and yes, my new time pass, my guitar is also adding to the thrilling last few months here ;).

Am going to write some article on this blog very soon but till then just have a look at this news as it is expected that KPO (knowledge process outsourcing) is going to bring around 3,00,000 jobs here in India as India emerges as a leader in s/w arena and the report by 'Global Sourcing Now' says that KPO business is supposed to touch $17 billion by 2010 and India will have a share of around 70 % i.e $12 billion... pretty cool huh.


Monday, December 12, 2005


Hi All,

posting just like that only.. m down under cold... have only one update for you all.. m learning to play guitar (so bach sako to bacho mujhe sunne se :D)... well i can now play 13 songs (obvsly partly ;) )... so time to join rock band ?

Take Care